By-Law COVID2/2020: Churches and religious believes

COVID 19 exposed all religions and has disturbed in particular, charismatic christian religions which, in my view, propagate poverty in our Black Communities. Once again, straight from ICU after shooting accident, I refused an invitation from Christians to go to church for the same reason and I encouraged them to continue with their missions but advised them that they must not use the name of Jesus Christ to advance their selfish interest. Many couldn't defend their ways. I still invite them to introspect. Religious leaders must ask themselves if what they are doing advance the interest of people and government or they abuse religion to make a living.
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How do a modern society coexist with different religions without any conflicts and or undermine others? It's only possible in a highly regulated environment. Lets dissect this righteous body and save religion from suicide. Religions are designed to heal the society in difficult times and appreciate the mercy of God in heydays.

Allow me to say that religion and Christianity, in particular, as we know it in Africa has become a hazard for the society. Believers are now eating and drinking things that no government will ever permit. Many old and young have lost their saving while believing the man of God will bless them with more. Women and children have been raped in the name of religion. Africa has lost its land and sovereignty due to religion. People are forever in church worshipping. Government wants them to be productive so that the government can generate more revenue to support its people. In fact, they are taking or stealing from poor but never pay government tax. Then you find those ones who make noise everyday and neighbours can't sleep.
Islam have their permit to go to church at a specified time and that's it. Whites also have their time. Normally, 1 - 2 hours and the church is off. But most of our Black African churches starts from morning until in the evening. When are they allowing people to work so that they can plough back to the society. I chose to distance myself from church not because I hate churches but because I dislike their ways. The Romans Catholic Church refused to fund my agricultural science studies and they wanted to me to become a pastor and I rejected their offer.
Be patient with Government. Going forward, the Government will reopen and allow churches to operate. This time around, each church will get a permit. Such permits will be accompanied by consensus from the public. Households will have to say YES we need the church on condition that it operates on a specific time and dates to avoid noises. Normally, only 1 - 2 hours will be permitted. If the church has an event like wedding, special permit for that will be issued on request.
The new order will force pastors and bishops to respect time. That will mean, a song, opening prayer, reading of script, preaching, praising song while collecting offerings and a closing prayer and the church is off. No time for miracles, prophesies and nonsense like that. Prophecy will be performed at pastor's or private place.
Will the above may be difficult to follow? If you do not agree, be rest assured that you will not get the permit to operate a church. Have a correct mindset otherwise history will remember you.
All the best while Prof. Covid Corona Virus, PhD in Universal Law, Wuhan University, Hebei University, China is grounding you. Prof CCV is a specialist in Trade, Environmental, Civil, Criminal and Humanitarian Laws as well as public order management. She is being assisted by Prof Change "The Great" Mathebula. The Farmer, Golfer and guardian father of Makome Kingdom.
Image may contain: 14 people, people standing
