The Queen call an end to corruption in all municipality testing grounds

Image may contain: Pascaline Mabasa, smiling, standing, tree, sky, outdoor and nature
She experienced it herself. Few weeks ago, the Queen of Makome Kingdom visited the testing station in one of local municipalities to book for her driver's licence test. While she was on the queue like any other citizen, she was approached by the stranger (agent) who told her that she will not pass the test if she do not pay bribe. The rest of people (mainly young blacks) agreed to what the stranger told them and shared their respective experiences. The purpose of the message was to advise those young blacks to pay bribes which is estimated to be in an average of R2,000.

In response, the Queen gave the agent who was soliciting bribes a beautiful smile and a look that suggest that you must not try it with me. When she was home, she discussed her shocking experience with the guardian father - Changa "The Great" himself. He told her that yes, she will not pass and she must prepare her mind for that. The guardian father related the story of the guardian mother who ended up crying for refusing to pay bribe even though she could drive and had car.
Further advised the Queen that she must never pay that bribe. She will rather fail as much as she can. After all, Queens don't need driver's licence. She has been driven in comfort all her life. Not even once she ever drove herself to any destination even though she can now drive. She probably need the license for case of emergency and probably for her own comfort.

Guardian father said to the Queen that she must experience how bad the corruption is for this Country and anchor her voice for the voiceless. That's what Queens does. Not those who send men to go and kill and steal.
It is estimated that one inspector (Traffic officer) can process at least 24 tests a day. That is over R40k of bribes per day per day. That amount is assumed to be shared between agents, inspectors, station managers and his/her bosses. Imagine each taking home R2.5k minimum a day.

Lets leave what happens to the money for another day in our life. The Queen can't drag herself to that level. The story will be told by investigative journalists and or security agencies. Her focus is on what should happen to end this evil conduct that destroys the future of our youth and life of those who enjoy spoils of those bribes.

The Queen calls all youth formations in the political parties to call an end to corruption. If the ruling party, ANC in most municipalities is not prepared to sponsor the motion that suggest the following:

1) All agents must be at least 100 meter away from the testing stations or they must be prohibited (locked if transgress) as their acts are illegal,
2) Municipalities must provide trucks for testing Code 10 and other big codes for a reasonable fee to drivers.
3) All those trucks must be insured, serviced and be installed with cameras.
4) Each testing station must have eye test machines and CCTV control room to save transaction costs for public and monitor illegal conduct, respectively.

The above submission will not only eliminate corruption immediately but create sustainable jobs especially on in-sourced securities, mechanics/engineers, etc; reduce fatal accidents on the roads because people who can drive are certified. In addition, municipalities will generate even more revenue to spend on public services.

If this submission is rejected or ignored, the Queen call all youth formations and civic organisations to pay a special visit to councils and testing station.

The Queen will never repeat on this issue as she expect cooperation from all affected parties. Neither will she brief the public on what happened to her testing experience.

On Monday, the 20th January, the Queen will issue statement as she calls for recourse in all poor workmanship in all public infrastructures sponsored by the People for the People.


Further enquiry can be directed to Changa "The great"
