Wholesale looting of State assets and corruption will be recovered under the leadership of #EconomicFreedomFighters.
Thanks to unapologetic view of #DeKlerk on apartheid - the door is now wide open to deal with the past. Also thanks to #MyANC and #DA for giving proper support to De Klerk. What these two didn't know is that they have exposed themselves as willing dealers who made sure that all who agreed to Sunset Clauses benefit and they continue to benefit today.
What we saw prior to 1994, is the changing of cooperatives that were government sponsored to limited companies to exclude Blacks from participating. We saw many public facilities including land being handed to private parties for 99 year lease at R1/year. Even a bo Tito Mboweni managed to own part of Reserve Bank. Banks like those in homelands, were swallowed by the Banks that are being co-owned by people like Pravin Gordhan, Cyril Ramaphosa, Trevor Manuel, et al. Those that refused were killed under the watch of ANC.
It was like "Ka mina - ka wena. Ka wena - ka mina" kind of deal sharing.
It was like "Ka mina - ka wena. Ka wena - ka mina" kind of deal sharing.
Worse of them all is that ANC and its partner in crime DA made sure that all government efforts to empower blacks is just a Proxy for empowering whites. There is NO cent that goes through Blacks that doesn't empower whites. For a starter, just think of social grants. Every cent of it 1st passes through the bank, then retails owned by whites and it ends there. You may take any government support scheme - the so called Black Industrialists, Empowerment deals, Land Acquisition, Jobs Fund, etc. All its funds are well received by white. Such guided policies are reaffirmed in the NDP which is well embraced by ANC and all its deployees in government and state owned enterprises.
Going forward, ALL we shall demand is that - all economic signed deals including land must be declared corrupt and all wealth looted must become State Property. I submit to #EFF to make it part of its election campaign for both Local Government Elections and General Elections. Once in power, all those who rushed such deals must be given amnesty for coming out to declare and surrender. All those who hold on it must be locked, their wealth be confiscated and they must be shamed.
No need to Commission of Enquiry. We just need a desk with a Clerk in every Municipal Office who manages the register. Such register must include those who are willing to record pointers (tip off) for those who think we do not know.
I submit to the Party (EFF) that I have confidence will fix this Country. The rest of you continue to enjoy your comfort.
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