By-Law COVID3/2020: Trading and consumption of alcohol.

Lets cut the chase and go straight to the problem. Alcohol is a hazardous good. It kills, it destroys families. If abused it abuses and destroys you. It is not serving any country any good. When used extensively, the production capacity of individuals and that of the nation suffers. It has no moral ground to negotiate terms. Those who consume it excessively are harmed. Worse they even harm the public. Let me spur those road accidents, fights, divorces, loss of jobs, etc etc etc.
Government has by-laws that regulate the trading and consumption of alcohol. Alcohol can only be consumed in private space. At home, and restaurant. At home, you can drink it 24 hours as long as you are not harming family members or public. With the current by-law, alcohol can not even be consumed in restaurants. Liquor stores are prohibited to trade until we are advised otherwise.
Be patient consumers of alcohol. This too will end and you will enjoy it again if there is anything to enjoy. When that time comes know these rules will apply.
1. There will be no drinking at the bottle stores. You buy and go home. Such law exists but never been enforced.
2. There will be zero tolerance for drinking in the car. This law exist but people always find ways around it.
3. Restaurants will serve alcohol only until 18H00 or whatever time the Government will find it reasonable.
4. Three (3) above will also apply to shebeen that have permits.
5. All shebeen will be required to apply for permits which will be subjected to public scrutiny and approval. Meaning no noises through out the night unless neighbours agree to such.
6. Brewing of alcohol especially traditional beer and spirits will require permits. This law exist but was enforced selectively. Application for brewing permits will be subjected to environmental, social and economic impacts and it may not be easy to acquire unless government takes a position to support such applications in several regions. Its will be difficult in a sense that the technology and final product are standardised to satisfy SABS codes.
Now, the good thing about controlling the trading and consumption of alcohol is that people will spend most of their time doing productive things. Unlike, most people just wake up and look for a drinking place. Our children will focus in building their career. There will be lesser crimes and accidents.
The benefits of redirecting our energy from alcohol to productive means are more than what alcohol is offering us. We will have healthier and productive nation.
Lets allow COVID 19 to leave us in peace so that we can focus on rebuilding the winning Nation.
All the best while Prof. Covid Corona Virus, PhD in Universal Law, Wuhan University, Hebei University, China is grounding you. Prof CCV is a specialist in Trade, Environmental, Civil, Criminal and Humanitarian Laws as well as public order management. She is being assisted by Prof Change "The Great" Mathebula. The Farmer, Golfer and guardian father of Makome Kingdom.

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